- Details
- Roundtrip flight from Montreal to Fort Lauderdale with Air Canada and United Airlines
- 7 nights’ accommodation at Costa Hollywood Beach Resort in DLX Studio Suite King – ROOM ONLY in Hollywood Beach or similar
- Protection offered by the Travel Agents Compensation Fund
- Taxes
Not included:
- Round-trip airport transfers
- Luggage fees if applicable
- Tips
Choose your dates
8 days | 7 nights | Flight
Price calculated on January 8, 2025, for a stay from September 7 to 14, 2025. The dates and components of this travel can be modified as you wish. The hotels and activities are offered as a suggestion and can be modified depending on your needs.
The prices are subject to change depending on the dynamic pricing of the day from our suppliers. Nothing is booked ahead of time and availability is subject to change depending on our suppliers.
View our full conditions at the following link.
Prices are calculated for passengers 35 and 35 years old.
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